
Areas of responsibility:

Let's autarkize. Together with the autarkize GmbH, organic residues are turned into pyrolysis gas and biochar. Patented technology does its magic in a compact and easy-to-maintain container. Electricity and heat can be generated and used from the resulting pyrolysis gas using standard technologies. The resulting biochar can be sold directly or further refined with technologies and then sold. Biochar consists of carbon that has been extracted from the air as CO2 by the plant during its growth. Incorporated into the soil, it represents a permanent CO2 sink. My support for this promising start-up is the development of the logo, as well as the graphic representations of the system and its functionality.


Areas of responsibility:

Hymate is a young start-up from Munich. Their vision is a 100% emission-free energy supply for buildings all year round. This works on the basis of regional energy sources, hydrogen and intelligent software solutions. They are convinced that hydrogen is an indispensable component of the energy transition as a seasonal energy storage. Through an optimised energy system, intelligent control, as well as a virtual power plant, they enable a year-round emission-free energy supply. My work for the start-up ranges from brand identity, website, advertising material to interface design for the configurator app and the system control app.


Areas of responsibility:

With the GoodWork Daily app, you can analyze where you are at the moment, find your own personal balance between work and private life, recognize what does you good and get exchange and professional support - when and how you want it. The GoodWork Culture on the other hand is a platform for companies or organizations. It is the framework for this and a dynamic management system for good work culture and its strategic alignment.

The GoodWork Daily app and the GoodWork Culture platform are based on six value areas that are interrelated and interact with each other. They can be designed to suit the individual or to optimize the culture of a company or place.  You decide how important they are and how they work together. GoodWork helps to shape the value areas according to your personal ideas. The focus of my work lies in the design of the value drops, the tiny characters and the whole app design of the GoodWork Daily app and the GoodWork Culture platform.


Areas of responsibility:

Together with friends I founded Kohlekumpels GmbH in 2020. Kohlekumpels fights the climate crisis. By certifying climate positive products the company guarantees that 20% more carbon dioxide is stored in agricultural soils than emitted through the production process. I created the brand identity, the product packaging, the web appearance and the interface of the digital platform for the climate heroes.

Schatten und Licht eV

Areas of responsibility:

The non-profit organization Schatten und Licht eV was founded in 1996 by affected women to help people with postpartum mental illness. Depression, anxiety disorders, psychoses or traumas - around 100,000 people are affected every year in Germany. The topic is huge. And the work of the association immensely important. Since 2022 I support the organization with my creative work.


Areas of responsibility:

Sonnen is global leader in energy storage solutions. During my 2 years at sonnen as UX/UI designer, we developed several digital platforms in an agile way. Together with the team of business innovation and in cooperation with a group of developers we developed the customer portal, the partner portal and the sonnenCharger app from scratch. 

Warren Ashley

Areas of responsibility:

Warren Ashley is a holistic health coach. He is a bridge builder between modern medicine and traditional healing arts. The colibri bird has a special meaning for him. It is the creature with the biggest heart compared to its body size. I helped him to find his visual identity.


Areas of responsibility:

Schwarzenbach is offering luxury apartments and Wellness in the middle of nature. The guests of Schwarzenbach enjoy being secluded and pampered at the same time. At this place people find wellbeing, time for the inner self and calm in the woods.

Gaumen Gschichtn

Areas of responsibility:

Gaumen Gschichtn is a digital platform for exchanging food and social services. The project took place in cooperation with B/S/H/ home appliances group. The app is tackling problems like food waste, social isolation, missing knowledge transfer to young generations and missing support of socially disadvantaged people. I conducted deep research, prototyping and user testing to create an extensive click dummy and corporate design.